Selasa, 16 November 2010

why should women be independent?

'there is no one born, rather than becomes a women". -simon de beavoir-

The lesson is, being a women (which include the feminine aspects its contain) is shaped by the norm in society. It means that we have the chance to become stronger and better in all possible way, as man do. The problem we have here (in Indonesia) is that women sometimes get so oppressed in a marriage. when the marriage is no longer healthy for two party involved, women usually trapped in so called the 'marriage investment'. I remembered in one class my lecturer said that 'marriage investments' could be seen as a thick rope of emotional and financial dependency toward their husband that bind them tight. It is more psychological rather than something tangible. That's why most of Indonesian women tend to hang on in a destructive marriage for the sake of their too deep consideration about earning, the children's future, etc.

Thus, I encouraged women to be independent and open minded. The possibility to be trapped in such awful marriage always exist. Therefore, It is important for women to make a tough decision and put their well-being as their utmost priority. when the financial security become a threat then lets be independent in terms of having a job, creating earning or at least develop a set of usefull skills. Dont let your self become weak and easily tricked. women are suppose to be tough and clever. Women have the right to be happy, but sometimes they forget it.

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