Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

These moments

Okay, so i am officially a job seeker now, with no clarity in what kind of company i want to work with. well, i want to set the target but it end up useless (i thought) because the job we will end up with very much depend on luck, situation and fate. so, i randomly apply in some companies and still wait for any call.
The problem is, in such situation when you have to wait for the call and feels like have nothing else to do, it makes you become kind of desperate. it seems that all the achievement and experiences while at school that form your confidence suddenly disappear. its gone with the wind. And that left you with reduced confidence about your own competence and price. It end up making you (or me) feels so desperate hence applying some crappy jobs that out of our previous target.Haha.
But for me, even in my worst desperation, i will never apply a job in a cigar company or any company that violate the environmental protection standard.
Instead, i am looking for a company with good work ethics and values that will offer me a dynamic yet stimulating environment to learn and to perform my utmost capability and competences. Gosh, i really hope i will be work for this kind of company. i hope. i hope. amieeen.

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