Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

A series of emotional turbulence

its so weird

i was broke down in tears last night

due to something that felt so melancholic

that was feel so terrible and painful

an old wound that always haunt my soul

when it is so hard to forget

when it is so hard to forgive

it could be my interpretation only

and it is so subjective i know

but this image of experience

sad and breaking heart experience

is so deep

it shattered me all the time

every time i am in my weakest point.

but this morning,

i woke up

and found the fact that i was being too much

drown too deep on my emotion

and broken

but again

i am all fine now

whatever happened in the past

it left in the past

i want to be wise

i want to forgive

i want to be sensitive and warm


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