Rabu, 15 September 2010

Back in Depok

annyonghasimnika? hope u are all fine. i think i should share some stories about lebaran and upload some pic. but, i was kinda lazy and have little time 4 everything so i am just gonna make a short highlight that my lebaran was quite different and quite fun. thats it.

anyway? now i landed my ass back on Depok. Looking for some opportunity to catch. a.k.a look for a job (damn, it sounds pathetic!haha). i am sometime fine with the waiting etc but mostly i get so disturb with my own impatience. i want it fast. i want it soon.

getting back into this place is no longer fun, i feel more miserable rather than joy. Haha. my friends, my environment, my safe web are gone with the moving time. i feel alone.

And as if it is not bad enough, now my bf about to be sent dont-know-where- for his job. so, i probably will be a teeny tiny granule of chocolate floating in Jakarta air. but damn! i aint feel weak, i suppose not!. whatever it is, i will stay positive and slow and calm and go with the flow. wherever u take me God! so please bring me into a good place with good environment and enlightening experiences...

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