Kamis, 01 Juli 2010

Avatar the last air bender!

M. Night Shamalayan..

well, i watched his movie twice. sixth sense and the happening. not really impressed.

kinda think about watch another of his movie, lady in the water, but it looks so gloomy i am not interested anymore. i always thought that he is kinda unique. well not everyone love his movies but he got all he's weird mysterious style in directing. the point is, i respect him regardless his infamous style of movies.

but, frankly speaking, i really2 dont like the idea of him directing avatar the last air bender!. first, this movie is not he's kind of movie. second, he make a stupid decision by hiring Latin American actress to play the role (i suppose their should be Chinese or at least Asian) and it totally ruined the whole fantasy of the story.

now, the movie has been released and the response is like this. I think i don't need to comment further, these bad reviews already represent my opinions. wassalam. *ngambek

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