Kamis, 01 Juli 2010

Current addiction!

c2 green tea with lemon taste

some people are smoking after they have meal. well i am not. but, i always having tea after meal. i love its sweet relaxing taste in flow through my throat. it is not a good habit though. the sugar in it could really increase my possibility to get a diabetes (my grandma and dad have it). it just so hard to quit when the blood on your vein is screaming for sugar and sweet (haha!). My dad really gives a bad example. he have a diabetes but he isn't quitting his-drinking-soft drink-habit. I hope he will remain healthy though. Thus, i am now on a drink-mineral water-program..i reduce my (sweet) tea drink habit and increase my mineral water consumption. The bad thing is, i just found this product, a green tea bottle with lemon taste (my fav.) called C2..and i am start to drink it frequently..ha!. it just taste so good i cant refuse.. -___-

wrigleys professional candy with extra mint and forest berry taste

anyway, did i tell you already that i have a huge tendency to munch or drink something in my spare time. mostly candies. i have a sweet tooth and totally crazy over candy (mint flavored especially). usually i chew wrigley mint gum but my last visit to the nearest minimart make me found this forest berry wrigleys candy..it taste so good i love it! i just found it strange to read the 'professional' word on it.. do this candy has anything to do with any profession? well it just my thought.

okay, my point is..i will try to stop drinking c2 since i believe it contain quite amount of sugar, but i'll leave alone the candy..cz i love the taste so much! hahaaa...

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