Senin, 11 April 2011

a lil light

last night, I read one of my Juniors blogs..they mentioned one who inspired them. well, i don't mean to be cocky but it is a compliment, indeed...I'm not just kind of happy but also motivated. I've been losing my spirit lately, ups and down and nearly give up..but, seeing what I've did before and how I am actually able to fight...those blogs remind me how to bounce back and the old time.. :)

i feel like there is a small fire in me, which almost died but then light up again...

funny things, when I shut down my room's lamp..I see a spot of light flying around on the ceiling, a fire flight is trapped in my was it a sign? oh I am such a superstitious girl..hee...

oh I cant wait for a holidaay... :D

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