Kamis, 01 November 2012

The longing of Everything

It is humane to long for something, beyond the limit of tangible things. One person could long for a fancy car, yummy dinner, lovely shoes or latest designer handbags. Whilst, others may long for something more abstract like happiness, ease or love.

There is nothing right or wrong on that, the most important thing is to always long for what is truly important in our life, which of course to want a thing meaning to pick based on priority. For me, my utmost priority is my baby.

She's my everything. All my hard work, my plan in the near future, now circulate around her. Again, I am very grateful to be a mother soon. I've plan many things for her, her essential needs list (newborn cloths, diapers, travel bag, etc) into her 'entertainment' list (pillow books, story books, lullaby apps), everything will be for her.

Now, Every time I back home and feel tired or exhausted, I remember my baby and somehow she makes me feel better. :)

I love every kick, every movement, every hard time we pass through together.
I already fall deeply in love with her....my Aubrey baby... ;*.

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