Selasa, 06 November 2012

Hello Mommies...

I am 22 weeks pregnant now, feel so much happier, stronger and better in so many first, I found pregnancy is hard, more because of the fatigue, sickness and nausea. But that only last in the first trimester, which now already passed. Alhamdulillah.

In my early pregnancy, I also find how shallow was my knowledge on being pregnant and baby related information, I feel sooo lack of knowledge. But Alhamdulillah (again) I work in a nutrition company whereso many infos and so many more experienced people are surround me.

I catch up step by step until now I feel confident about my pregnancy.

And to help new moms out there, here are some tips that you might found useful :

1. Pregnancy test
After married, both you and your husband sure should improve your diet into more healthy and complete in nutrition. The nutrition from your food intake will impact on your sperm and ovum quality.  And, even before pregnant you will need consistent folic acid for your future baby to physically grow healthy. what you eat today will make the health quality of your baby tomorrow.

If you don't use contraception, try to do pregnancy test 7 days after having sex. Do the test in the morning where HCG level is the highest. If you are not sure with the first result, do another test in the next morning and go to gynecologist for further check.

2. Hurraay,...Iam Pregnant
Congraaats, dont be panick!. Most first timer must have so many things pop in their head, worried, happy, afraid, etc those mix feeling. hehe. First, calm your self,drink some water, sit in for a while while swallowing the information. Second, be happy and share the news to your loved one.---> be creative, make a cute picture/ bow tie your test result, etc. :)

3. Nutrition intake
Super duper important to know that, by being pregnant meaning your calorie needs is increasing by 300gr. Therefore, you have to eat more composition of protein, carbohydrate and fat. Add your fruit and veggie consumption, especially those contain folic acid like orange, banana, spinach and avocado. why? lack of folic acid in early pregnancy will impact your baby spinal cord and brain development, the baby might born with spina bifida and anenchepaly.

4. Go Visit your Gynecologist
Easy, ask your experienced friends for recommendation. Or here how I did it, I pick several closest hospital to my home, google the doctor list and check the doctor schedule. Ohya, there are also so many moms who recommend their doctor in so many forum, so google surely will help you pick your obgyn. Now, I my self visiting three gynecologist, One regular in Asri hospital (dr. Satrio), another in YPK Mandiri (dr. Yusfa) and at Kimia (dr. Wibowo Noroyono---> Prominent Gynecologist in Indonesia recommend by a friend :)).
Actually, dr. Bowo is the most detail and thorough doctor, but his place is far and he is super duper busy. So, I choose dr. Satrio because he is having high availability in Asri and Asri is just 5 min away from my home. Huehehe. While dr. Yusfa in YPK is very helping for second opinion. He is quite detail also.
Btw, at the early pregnancy  the gyn will give you vitamin, mostly folic acid, seeing how important it is, dont forget to consume it EVERYDAY!. :p

5. Read Read Read
Along the pregnancy, there will be many question about this and that, either regarding the symptomp we have or other trivial thoughts. To prepare your self, you can visit below websites for their insightful information :

1. My pregnancy bible here (hahaha)
at, we can log in as member and we will have weekly update on our baby development through email (yaay, trust me everytime I get the email, it was a lovely reminder). Beside, they also have complete infos and cool baby apps, this website does help a lot.

2. This is the local version
Here, we can find most information in bahasa Indonesia and more fits for Indonesian mom, albeit
the info is actually universal and just as helpful. :) ps: they have Indonesian baby name list...

3. 'What to expect when you're expecting' book
here is the free download version what to expect

As starter, those 3 web and book will be very helpful. Trust me.. :)

Last, congrats new mom..
Be happy always and enjoy your pregnancy...
Now, I gotta check lamaze class in several place..
See you...

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