Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

Gender neutral

Read an article about parent who give their child a freedom to wear girl and boy clothes in the hope to raise the child in gender-neutral environment. my question is, is there any?. the construction of gender been exist for so long it root in our social environment, almost become something that undeniably important. why? because we live and breath those construct every day, it have a big impact on who we are. If, the stereotype of gender considered as something that bring negative impact, than lets make a change. gender is not a fix definition, we have room for positive changes throughout the era. don't see it as something that restricting, rather, see it as a way of liberating. That is why the amazing story of women movement are exist, because they make a change. reconstruct the very mean of gender it self.

Allowing children to wear any color they want. to let them choose any toys they interested in. to give them the idea of being whatever they want.

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