Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

white off

Time flies very fast I cant grasp nor froze it in my hand. Moments are gone and life getting even more real. I went home and find those smiles awaiting. Hold my breathe and wondering what will happen next. waiting is a moment that mostly filled with anxiety and curiosity. It ticklish.

while Expectation is a big word, when it miss the target, it could hurt. well, I am. But love is about never ending compromise isn't it?. so I decide to calmly compromise it. eat my hope alive. its fine, or it is not.

I am actually afraid, will that so enclosed soul could read my heart?. The tone I speak, the words I pick. will that be as crystal clear to that mind? Will love fully catch the meaning I try to deliver?.

I am afraid of being trapped. Into decision I don't fully agree. Into fights that gonna hurt my soul. Into consideration that not for the sake of myself. well..well well.........................................................................

my candy eyes, one is clearly upset about toys, haha!

The rock of my life

special occasion?ahem.

2 komentar:

nia mengatakan...

irsaaa suka postingan ini..
Suka.. Suka...


irsalinadwiyanti mengatakan...

Hi nia,
makasiih..walo sebenernya postingan ini agak galau, well, most posts emang galau isinya.hehe