Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

Eyes wide open

Working expose me with experience that into some extent develop me. I learn again. It is like a new world that open itself to me. the dynamic, the type of tasks, challenges, etc.I used to think that work-related-task will be more complicated and demanding than this, but it appears it is more matters of our ability to strecth our capacity in doing multiple things. my job load is progressing and ofcourse it is not getting easier. I travel places, meet people,eat new foods, breathe stranger place's air, get confuse and feel challenged.

Btw, one well-known career person said that fresh grad should take their time to recognize what they really want. well, I am not fully agree of that, some time get a job asap it self is a process of us  in finding what really want. perhaps we will come into consideration that we actually dont want the job or we want for something else. but, thats the process. sometimes. that is the way how we will finally recognize our self.

as for me, as I told before, I love this job, it has it perks and Im glad I dont have much to complain. I really wish I could perform well and give something for this company. I know I might not be long here therefore I'll enjoy my moment.  :)

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