Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

Man are not logical, they're psychological...

so,someone said the above title to me or maybe i heard it somewhere. it is so true that becoming a human is a matter of complication. we have a complicated reasoning with equally complicated problems. therefore, we have to be careful in making a decision for it might end up badly. but, if we think it further, why worries about bad thing while we knew that God has build the grand design of our life's. with that logic, we supposedly just put ourselves in every scenario God has made, even the worst one.

well, what i realized is, i sometimes (or most of the time) is lost. I don't know exactly what i want, or sometimes just not sure in getting it. in some occasion, i even cant stop failing my self for things that i actually capable of doing. and that psychological. normally, when my mood is okay, I'll look jolly good most of the time. But when I'm not in the good mood, I began to question what i am doing? is this really what i want and need? can or cant i do this?, there goes the philosophical questions.

that must be so obvious from my post. how I question myself a lot. I see it as two things, one i might truly digging deep to know my destination, second it is simply an unconscious mechanism I use to fail my self because I'm not confident enough or not ready to face some consequences.

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