Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

One screw must be missing

One said that,
a personality build from the family
so either your family is utterly disfunctional
or you must be badly lonely.
still in wonder though, why this little birdie get so scary and upset.
she's ranting and yielding and intimidating other.
you are actually pretty but you paint your face beast.

if you able to be kind, then be kind.

kindess is a virtue that stays...shown to everyone regardless class and education.
kindness should be universal and consistent.

If  kindness come and go, so either it is fake or you  are simply border line.

dear, that red angry face and explosive words is not pretty at all,
nor they are end up functional
but an ear dont want to listen wont listen.
problem is,
you lit the fire
I burnt

I react badly to burnt wound,
but since Iam the normal one here,
I'll stay be your friend
not that kind of friend who hugs, greet or smile.
I'll be more like neutral.

my suggestion:
get real friends and live with real family. just, get a life!.

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