Rabu, 07 September 2011

Women these days

it is said that woman these day are havily exploited. sexually. women become the point of attraction in every magazine. the trend is, bare more skin and pose provocatilvely. do you think it is a sign of women empowerment or it is actually the very sign of exploitation?. Those 'sexy' images of celebrities, do guys see them with respect and admiration or rather with lust and exciting desires?. do  we woman, really want to be seen as an object of man's gratification?. we might nod our head, but the real answer is YES.

More celebrities go for nude pose on magazine. they see posing nude as a new height of achievement, a positive career repertoa, and as something that descirbed as 'brave'. Yet in the other hands, those images and attitude force our young girls to be..umm..well..long for such idea. becoming a vixen. Problem is, the number of anorexia is increasing, the concern towards body image is undeniably heavy among teen. everything now circulate around how pretty they look, how sexy they could be and how much skin they could reveal.

I my self see this as huge step back for woman. To be heavily define as sexual object. It is fine if then people who sees this trend as an act of liberation which we've  been so restricted these hundred years. BUT, it just awful if it creates a stupid thought among man where woman seen as a mere body and face they could play with.

why dont we care more on what's real? boost our womanhood through real achievement such as having great career, raise clever children, educate people around, write some cool research, etc. It is time to see carefully how far feminism movement allow us to do great things. Things looks like liberating the rights of woman, but only those that exploring woman as an object.

Vogue magz cover: courtesy : googlepics

cosmopolitan magz cover
mostly are about boobs, boobs and boobs. plain foolish.

2 komentar:

Jagawana Kimi mengatakan...

Menurutku gak cuma wanita sih, tapi pria juga. Ada kan pria2 foto model yang posenya juga seksi2. Ada yang cuma pake kolor doang. Yaaa... gak usah jauh2 sih. Rafael Nadal juga ada pose yang begitu. Hihihihihihi...

irsalinadwiyanti mengatakan...

iya kim..
sekarang juga lumayan banyak pria2 topless dan pants-less..hehe
tapi tetep by number masih jauuh bgt sama jumlah yang wanitanya..
well, point taken..