Last week been tough,
Now, I mean today, I feel great... :)
I feel confident about today, we have this compliance audit something but and we already prepared all the needed documents, so, finger crossed we could get great audit result.
These days I've been visiting this website Mommiesdaily , and found some insightful writings. Not only about pregnancy and babies but some very touching personal stories. There were story about being single parent, going through divorce and even losing a husband. well.. it brought my amazing how people survive such thing, being tough and continue living into the fullest..Im thankful that through their bravery I could add my perspective about life..
I learned that Life always bring unexpected surprises, the good and the bad, and we have to act accordingly, respect whatever happen as the process of our journey in this world..
I learned that happiness doesnt always stay, it may disappear or fade away with time, and we have to accept that as thing that make us stronger..
I learned that we cant hold our beloved people or precious belongings forever..for one day they may being substracted from our life calculation, but we still have to continue counting.. :)
So, Let live this moment. Being grateful for so many blessings God gave us until today...
My precious thing today is..My husband... :)
Dear baby,
I love you dearly so berry berry much
You add what wasnt exist in my life
Happiness, laughter, tears, gratitude..
you are the monster bear I can hug when I am tired and weary
may you always strong and healthy..
be a great husband and daddy..